
I and WeekST

I often look up a dictionary.
My dictionary is Practical Genius English-Japanese.
It is very useful.
I start to learn to junior high school English Grammar again.
I forgot many words.
I am writing diary for remembering words.
I hope I enjoy learning English.
It has been almost two months I subscribed the newspaper of Week ST.
I feel to try to read in brief article.
But, I cannot read long article.
I look at long article.
I try to understand that by Japanese word assistant of column out.
I decide to look at or stop long article by title and column out.
Happy article made me try to read it.
I am looking forward to trying English compose in column.
It is often difficult by me, but I like to try it.
I like article of news maker’s words.
I note my favorite words.
I like movie article.
But I don’t have chance for seeing movie with him.
I sometime try English cross-word puzzle.
But, I cannot full blank.
I am good at Japanese cross-word puzzle.

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